Conservation of biodiversity in the municipality of Bressanvido
In an intensely inhabited and cultivated plain, the resurgences represent islands of biodiversity populated by many species, among which some are of Community interest (for instance, the Lombardy lamprey and Lataste’s frog); the objective of project Life Risorgive is to preserve and highlight the environmental value of micro-resurgences located in a tract of the resurgence belt within the province of Vicenza, most notably within the Municipality of Bressanvido, where 43 active springheads can be found.
The project was developed on the initiative of the Resurgences Committee of Bressanvido and thanks to the involvement of the Municipality of Bressanvido (lead partner), the Brenta Consortium for land reclamation, Veneto Agricoltura and Aquaprogram Srl (partner).
The project is also supported by important stakeholders (Coldiretti, Latterie Vicentine, Acque Vicentine, PABAT).
All the information and the details related to project Life Risorgive are available on the dedicated website
Organizations involved
Life Risorgive is a project of the Municipality of Bressanvido

With the contribution of


With the contribution of European Union financial instrument