European robin
The European Robin lives in forests with dense brushwood and it builds its nest among the vegetation in the hills and mountain areas; this species is more likely to be observed in lowland areas during the winter.
Scientific Name
Erithacus rubecula
Local Name
The European Robin lives in forests with dense brushwood and it builds its nest among the vegetation in the hills and mountain areas; this species is more likely to be observed in lowland areas during the winter.
Scientific Name
Luscinia megarhynchos
The nightingale is best recognised by its extraordinarily melodious song; it can be found in areas with dense, low thicket growth especially along water bodies.
Scientific Name
Ardea cinerea
Tall bird that breeds colonially in “heronries”, usually building its nest high in trees of wetland areas. During the last few decades its diffusion in Veneto has seen an increase.
Scientific Name
Anas platyrhynchos
The mallard feeds on plants or small animals it finds in water using its bill.
The male’s breeding plumage is characterized by a shiny green head and a narrow white collar separating the iridescent upper part from the maroon-brown chest. Female mallards are brown and mottled.
Scientific Name
Alcedo atthis
Local Name
Fast-flying bird with a distinctive bright blue back and copper breast; the kingfisher can be observed by rivers and streams, where it dives in water to catch fish-preys with its long bill.
Scientific Name
Upupa epops
Local Name
Galeto de montagna
Colorful bird with a distinctive crest, the Eurasian hoopoe can be observed in the resurgences area during the warmer seasons, before it migrates to tropical regions where it spends the winter.
Scientific Name
Gallinula chloropus
Local Name
This bird can be identified by its large legs, its blue-black body and the distinctive red bill with a yellow tip. Moorhens can be found throughout the year and can get less wary in areas with available food and shelter: on this occasions, and with a bit of caution, moorhens can be observed brooding their eggs on floating nests or taking chicks to their first swim.